A Story That Starts From Across The Globe

S left her homeland in Eastern Europe where she had a college degree and a career in full bloom, for the promise of a new and exciting life in America with her new husband. Six years and a beautiful child later, she found herself at a point of despair, alone with her daughter in a homeless shelter and then ultimately depending on friends to take them in.

With the loving help of Between Jobs Ministry and Northwest Bible Church as well as court ordered financial support, she is finally in her own apartment. But a roof over your head does not make a home. When Finishing Touch stepped in to furnish and decorate her apartment, we knew that we wanted to not only soothe S’s hurt and return the physical comforts she lost over a year ago, but also demonstrate how deeply God loves her.

All of us who worked on this project decided that S’s living room came together beautifully - as always God provided just the right pieces through our wonderful donors. But during the reveal, S blew right past the living room because she couldn’t wait to see her little girl’s bedroom. That spoke volumes to our mommy hearts! With a big smile on her face, S said, “I’m so happy.”

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